Monday, May 25, 2009

Week #10 - thing #23 Congratulations!

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
Learning how to create a blog, an avatar, trying new applications, upload videos and photos.

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
It has encouraged me to take the time to learn and play with new software.

3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
It showed me that learning how to create a blog is not as hard as I originally thought. There are so many ready-made templates to choose from.

4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
I wish that we didn't have to sign up for so many accounts to try all the new software.

5. If we offered another program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?
Possibly. It was a challenge completing the tasks timewise. I just started a new job with all new procedures and policies, on top of doing the 23 Things. There was a bit of info overload between these assignments and learning my new job skills. I was not able to complete most of the tasks during work hours (too busy and no work coverge) and had to do them at home. It would have worked better if we started this during our slow time at work in the summer.

Week #10 - thing #22 Social Networking

I admit I have a profile on LinkedIn and Facebook. I feel that social networking has its value as well as its detriment.

For example, it gives many people a connection after being laid off from a job. It offers socialization and networking. People tend to feel very isolated when they lose their jobs. That day-to-day interaction with people at their jobs may have been the only social life they had.

I have reconnected with friends from high school on Facebook; it's like a reunion online.

Social networking sites can definitely be a boon for libraries and newspapers to reinvent themselves. Catch your audience on their own playing field. Repackage yourself. Make yourself newer and hipper. It does seem that libraries need to promote their resources better and be more instructional, rather than entertainment-based. The online users won't fall for that, it seems.

I do see social networking sites having their downsides, too. There is definitely a fine line with the privacy issue. There are things you can put on a soc. networking site that can give away too much info. You could be creating a profile of yourself that could prevent you from getting a job or set you up for getting your house robbed and/or endangering your safety. So be safe, be smart!!

They can also turn you into a hermit - never seeing the light of day. Come on - fresh air people!! They can bring out your OCD tendencies and can also be a huge time-waster with games, online applications, etc.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Week #10 - thing #21 - microblogging & mashups

Twittervision - Can you say Twitter stalking?
Twitterholic - Twitter popularity contest?
Twitterment - societal web searching patterns?
BrightKite - the cops should look into this little spy tool.
Friendfeed - I don't have a lot of tech savvy friends. They are too busy working and raising their families to spend time blah, blah, blah-ing.

I don't Twitter. I don't need to at this time. I drive to work. I don't take the subway or train. My time is not idle. My job is active interaction with people in real time face-to-face.

Anything surprise me? No, not really. Remember Big Brother is watching. George Orwell was right on target in 1948. That's what's scary!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Week #10 - thing #20 - Exploring Twitter

So my good friend Lee LeFever told me about Twitter. I did a search for mentions of Phillips Memorial Library, my library. We got a shout out (tweat) from a student on being his 'home away from home.'

Kind of sad results. We haven't made a mark on Twitter, that's for sure.

I guess Twitter is good for the keeping in touch with friends and the "wish you were here" posting. It feels like a giant chat room of your friends. Facebook has its "update your status" version.

You can be a totally different person on the web.
You also have a forum if you are a word junkie.

But do you really want to know that Sally just dried her hair and is reading the newspaper? And why does Sally want to tell me?

I can see it being beneficial to tweat about conferences, meetings, etc. I also can see it as a good place to refer people to other websites.

I haven't had the need for it professionally or personally. Who has time to twitter all day? Is this the new entertainment for the chronically bored and teenagers?

The trending and queries didn't really impress me - it seems more entertainment-based than informational. Maybe it was the day and time I did my search.

Kind of blah, blah, 140 characters or less.

The Digital Intimacy article was an eye-opener. The little things you say can really create a profile that you may not want people to see.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

facebook vs. twitter vs. myspace article

This article is appropriate for the 23 Things lesson this week. I agree with some of John Rogers' points. I do see practical uses for these online networking sites.

My problem with online networking is that, while it can be efficient and a good jumping off point, it can be lacking in humanity. It is that ability to communicate with people face-to-face, the customer service aspect, the public speaking skills (informal or formal), the sensitivity, compassion, that makes us unique as a species. That sincerity can be lost online.

With online living, you don't get the smiles :), the handshakes, the hugs, the laughter LOL, touch, etc. The real connectivity.

"Sociologist Karen Sternheimer says that's the attraction of all social networking sites. No matter how flashy or simplistic, they provide a chance to interact with others in a way that requires the least possible personal commitment.

"It allows people to maintain the most superficial of relationships without any kind of investment," Sternheimer says."

Now isn't that sad.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week #9 - things #17, 18, 19 - podcasts and video

#17 YouTube
I am familiar with YouTube. YouTube can be fun, educational, entertaining...just like libraries. Since we are such a visual society these days, YouTube is right on track.

It is also great for seeing and/or listening to old music clips, sharing videos, catching up on tv shows, learning a new cooking technique, catching a news clip, or trying your hand at acting and becoming a famous star. It's got a little bit of everything for everybody.

Checked out the "Book" video clip - very funny and so true. I am happy to see students and faculty at the college library where I work still checking out real books. Now if we could just get the text to expire when the book is overdue. Hmmm...

Checked out the Web 2.0 clip - very smart. I spent a lot of time behind-the-scenes on the source page of my former employer's website doing metadata tweaking. It is amazing how one can manipulate her internet page these days.

I already embedded my YouTube video clip earlier in my blog in response to the wiki assignment. The sound was good; the video image was poor quality - very pixelated. And the video was a bad tribute to Star Trek fashion but I love it. I used the "add video" feature and pasted the url from YouTube. I also shared the link from David Allen's GTD.

I was introduced to clips from my now-favorite comedy duo musical group Flight of the Conchords (from HBO) thru a YouTube link off a friend's Facebook page. Gotta love online social networking.

The viewing quality of the clips is not always the best; the sound is pretty good though. It seems like good metatagging is most helpful for people viewing your posted clips. The great thing is - it takes up no space on your site.

There are the copyright issues and borderline porn that YouTube tries to keep under control.

#18 podcasts

I do have iTunes for uploading music to my iPod nano but I'm going to try to go back to my bloglines account and upload glt's poetry radio.

Podcasts seem to be the internet's answer to the dvr or vcr.

I seem to be doing something wrong. I went to my bloglines account and added an RSS feed to glt's poetry radio and now I don't see it in my list of feeds. It said I subscribed. Hmmm... is in my microsoft feeds - should it be there?

Next. . .

#19 Ebooks and audiobooks

Ebooks and audiobooks are not something I have delved into too much.

Let's start with audiobooks. Due to the fact that I live in such a small state, my commute doesn't offer enough time to appreciate an eBook or an audiobook, not to mention I am the driver. I can see myself not paying attention to the road like I should. Reminds me of distracted cellphone user-drivers. I think these work very well if you're a passenger on a long trip.

My hesitance in listening to an audiobook is that I will zone out and not really listen or be distracted by everything around me because I am not holding the book in my hand and turning the pages myself. I like the escape of reading and tuning out the world. Don't think I could do that being read to. And there is always the possibility of someone being a bad reader (suggested by a co-worker who has experienced this).

Reading is a learned skill that is falling by the wayside with children due to the interference of video games, etc.

Ebooks, such as the one's viewed on the Kindle, seem pretty lightweight and convenient. And the text is larger. Probably will be popular when its price is more reasonable and its package is more aesthetic.

The Ebook World Fair site is pretty impressive with its stats. All this information at your fingertips. Amazing dissemination of information. Great resource tool for research available instantly.

LibriVox - chapter a day - seems pretty cool and manageable. It's like getting your newspaper emailed to you every day. You've got mail!! Something to look forward to.

So are eBooks as valuable as traditional print books? Why or why not?

Yes and no.

Yes, because they open up a world of reading to people that may not be exposed to it, due to handicaps and time constraints. There is that instant gratification. And it is available 24/7 and some even for free. As long as the gatekeepers of accuracy and copyright are there.

No, because nothing can replace opening and holding a book in your hands, smelling the pages, viewing the prints or pictures, dogearing (ok maybe not a word)a favorite passage, highlighting or underlining a passage, writing notes in the margin, the ownership of those bound pages (if only temporary)and just imagining the book's history.

However, I'm not saying to write in the library book.

Reading a book is a very tactile experience no matter what the subject.

Week #8 - thing #16 Explore Web 2.0 award site

So I checked out I have actually been to this site before, as recommended by my artsy & conscientious friends.

First of all, I love their mission and vision. It brings me back to my art major roots. Back to the days when I thought I could make a living from my art and not sell out to commercialism.

Second, the site is visually appealing. Great use of color but I would expect nothing less... it is created by artists, about artists, for artists, etc.

It is simple and clean, in a good way. Good use of positive and negative space. You can maneuver easily around the site. Makes for easy shopping, which is every website's goal, whether literally or figuratively.

And who doesn't like pictures?

They deserved to win an award. Go etsy!!

To transfer this format to a library website would be quite beneficial. Simple and easy to get around. User-friendly. Find the info you're looking for quickly.

Easy, stress-free shopping for whatever information you need is key to a good website.

Week #8 - thing #15 - Google Docs

Hey Lee LeFever, is that you?

Nice and simple; very easy. So far Google Docs is a fine all-purpose tool. A familiar tool bar always helps. It just auto-saved. Now to post it to my blog. Here goes....

We made it - to the blog that is! Great that I can still play with it once it jumps onto my blog. It is nice to have portable MSOffice-type software. Maybe I will get fancier at a later time.

Even though websites have to play by Google's rules, which are always changing, Google does lend a hand with lots of tips and ideas. The message of sharing seems to be reiterated throughout the 23 Things.

Zoho writer - Watched the tutorial. Option to go offline and edit, write in many languages, and use Google software downloads. Seems user-friendly.

We are, after all, living in a Google world!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Week #8 - thing #15 - Online apps/tools

Watched David Allen on YouTube. Gotta love the inspirational speakers. It had a lot of common sense. GTD - or to borrow from Larry the Cable Guy's "Git r done" or Nike's ad "Just do it!" comes down to the thinkers and the doers. David Allen gives hope that we all can be both. It is the ability to balance controlling your stuff and having the perspective to know which stuff to control.

1. collect 2. process 3. organize 4. review
I hope, by writing them down, I will be inspired.

His advice is to work from the top down.Most of us work from the bottom up.
Purpose & principles
areas of focus & responsibility
next actions


I love crossing the items off even more. Not that I ever finish a list but the hope that I can - is always there. Of course, I'm talking pen to paper. Grocery lists, errand lists, xmas lists, thank you note lists, call people back lists, missing books lists,... you get the idea.

That adrenaline rush - that feeling of accomplishment - Yee ha!

Now I can do it electronically - sounds interesting but can it provide that same thrill or will it be a feeling of cyber reminder harassment?

Got milk? I mean Remember the Milk.

See, I'm forgetting already. All this talk about milk is making me lactose intolerant but the website is an interesting tool. Saves on wasted paper and recycling.

Tiny url - I understand the long url thing but I don't know if I would have a need for this too often.

My Stickies will come in handy as I get older and can't remember what I was doing when I was there. Come to think of it, that happens now.

It would have been a useful tool in my last job where I did research for newspaper reporters regarding Census stats, crime stats, etc. Some govt. and legal sites are a bit tedious to maneuver in and I can see this being a great "light bulb" tool.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week #7 - things #13 & #14 - Wikis

thing #13 -
Some wikis are good and some are bad. Kind of like people.

Wikipedia scares me as a reference tool.

What "CliffsNotes (formerly Cliffs Notes, and often, erroneously, CliffNotes)" were to my generation, wikipedia is to this generation. Yes, I borrowed the phrase in quotes from I'm trying to embrace wikipedia ... work with me.

But seriously, wikis can be so inaccurate. Talk about rewriting history. Do your homework; make the time to find the truth. Stop cheating!! Wikis can be a jumping off point in your research but verify whatever you find, elsewhere. Find a legitimate source.

Ask a librarian.

To steal from the movie Meet the Parents, there definitely has to be a "circle of trust" among the users and contributors to make wikis work. I'm all for freedom of speech, information and expression.

I do see wikis as a useful, collaborative tool for librarians. Instructional wikis would serve libraries well. A Wal-Mart one-stop-shopping store, if you will. But on the flip side, it could feel like too many cooks in the kitchen ruin the meal, too. Registered users and controlled content seem to be the way to go.

I'm a little bi-polar on this one.

So here's to Steve Colbert for saving the elephants and thanks to Lee LeFever for organizing the camping trip.

On that note, here's my shout out to the old school. How often do you hear wiki, wiki, wiki in a song? Cheers to Newcleus!


thing #14 - create a wiki or add an entry

I added the entry - Favorite Things. I welcome everyone to add to the list. Make Maria Von Trapp proud!

I will be back to read up some more. Good night!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Week #6 - things #10, 11, 12 - Tagging and Folksonomies

thing #10 Tagging and

Okay, now we're talking or tagging or meta tagging. And as you will see from this week's lesson, there's lots to talk and tag about... are you still reading? Here goes ...

Welcome to the world of taxonomy!

I come from a background in news research and archiving. I used SLA tagging of newspaper articles and photos for internal archives. A great resource for deadline reporting, statistics charts, and photo montages. I have also dabbled in metatagging.

Check out my work at:
I tweaked page titles, navigation bar subject tabs' keywords and descriptions.

Search Engine Optimization is your opportunity to get your "stuff" found and read or viewed. Writing and images get their chance to be seen and heard. Here's where you can put yourself at the top of the list.

Speaking from an English major's point of view, it's all about using the right words.

You want your writing to be read by many people, whether it be for entertainment, education, self-fulfillment, self-aggrandizement or money-making. One way of doing this is to tag your "stuff" with keywords that explain your message and catalog it in such a way that the search engines perk up and take notice and put you at the top.

Tagging is like putting your best foot forward in an interview (wear the suit) or a first date (put on the lipstick).

Make that great first impression - make yourself figuratively pretty!

It's all about competition, baby!

In doing so, people will find your website over another's, along with your advertisers, and everyone is happy. There is quite a science to this and it's always changing. The goal is to get yourself to the top of that 1st page of search results.

Climb that ladder taggers.

You are at the search engine's mercy unless searchers find you on their own. So you can kiss search engine spider's butt or take the chance that you have chosen the right words to get your searchers' attention. You have to put yourself in the mind of the common searcher not the advanced searcher. This is a challenge for trained librarians / researchers.

Stay strong writers, editors, photographers, librarians ... the 2 worlds can come together intelligently. - this idea of info-sharing is greatly welcomed. Organized tagging saves so much time and frustration. Why waste your time when someone has already found what you need? Thank you librarians!!

Info-gatherers can be territorial and possessive. However, when they work together, they learn new things, save time and ultimately find the accurate/legitimate info they need for their "customers."

It's not that you need to know everything - you just need to know where to find it!

thing #11 Technorati

Well, it is highly improbable that I have gotten Technorati's attention or that I want it for my blog, for that matter. Perhaps if I had a blog of more cutting edge info, they would stand up and notice me. But since I am only spitting out diary homework assignments, I will refrain from trying to get the spiders' attention.

I have had experience in working with tagging and metadata to improve a dying newspaper's footprint on the web. The old-school side of me didn't want to sell out to search engine spiders but the new-school side of me found it a challenge to get their attention and take advantage of what technology offered.

Just a FYI - Had a where's Waldo? moment on the Technorati page. The instructions didn't tell me to click the Technology tab to find "Rising Blog posts by Attention." Okay, I'm back.

Rising blog posts by attention as of 5/04/09:

Trent Reznor Responds To Apple: You Want Obscene, I’ll Show You Obscene

Xbox 360 Propaganda For Japan [Only In Japan]

AT&T picks up Acer Aspire One 10.1″ netbook; available from Costco on May 11th

Amazon press event Wednesday: See you and the bigger Kindle then

Nokia's flagship N97 gets its own website, pre-order link ($699?)

Dumpsters pool

Trent Reznor rips Apple, rates smartphone OSes

Rising news posts by attention

Publishers Nurture Rivals to Kindle

Engadget SlashGear DVICE Amazon Crude

Exposing Liberal Media Bias Does Linux Suck?

The Burgeoning Momentum Behind Unified Communications

The Irony of Failure: Apple, Microsoft ... and Google?

Apple's Changes Can't Rattle These Bones

VoIP Provider Vonage Dodges State USF Fee in Nebraska, for Now

Finding Space for All in Our Crowded Seas

Some Facebook programs will go 'off-site'

Food-safety labs get FDA up to speed

In my opinion, the blog posts have a gossipy / entertainment-slanted news edge while the news stories are closer to my heart. I trust the headlines more in the newspaper and journal/magazine posts. Old journalistic habits die hard.

The blogs and news' drop down menus have both competing for attention in the list. Their rankings are different as well.

Tags from what’s rising

What bloggers are saying now

60 minutes affect all and cellphones compatibility crowded dating facebook finding for free in like our seas space tech technologies twitter

Blogger Central - top tags of the day:

middle east
premier league

All I can say is ugh....

Folksonomy -

Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post
Darryle Pollack called her first blog "I Never Signed Up For This" in honor of all the times she has said those words at some point in her life- as a mother, breast cancer survivor, artist, chocoholic, former TV journalist ...

Tags: Soft, International, Propaganda, Power, Diplomacy, Breast Cancer, Persuasion, cancer survivor

These are at least better tags than the top tags of the day but still somewhat vague ... this is a challenge when I come from using industry specific keyword lists (e.g.; crimes-murder, crimes-arson, crimes-robbery....) Well, you get my idea.

The tag search for "libraries" turned up pretty good results. The postings seem educational and informative. The "what's going on" in the library world. Yea!! Taggers aren't using the "libraries" tag needlessly.

Accuracy in blog directory categories vs. searching tags

Survey says .... (my survey, that is) Can you tell I'm tired and should probably stop?. There's always tomorrow to blog .... but I must ...

Well, the blog directory was a letdown.

And the libraries - research - info category is where? tsk, tsk, tsk. Maybe they need a librarian to index their site? Hmmmmm.....

And a link to the site map would be nice.:)

Well, I've tired of Technorati or it has tired me. Either way - good night.

part #12 Web 2.0 & Library 2.0 - the future of libraries

Are we there yet? Very long things in this week #6. Whew.

My thoughts on the perspectives on Library 2.0. From the articles I read and the video I saw (read?) on Youtube, it was refreshing to see that the librarians of the Library 2.0 slant are willing to learn and share new info. Some words and phrases that come to mind are: change is good, patience on both sides, hopeful, receptive, unthreatened, anticipatory, not info gatekeepers but door openers, reinvention, never stop learning, be curious.

I am lucky that I work in an environment that supports this kind of "change" and has the means to make it happen. This is not true everywhere. Due to restrictions of budget and staff and also resistance to change, other libraries have fallen behind and become victims of the same technology that 2.0 promotes.

I found the annoyed librarian blog very amusing. I do agree and find it sad that a 2.0 concept has to exist. Isn't it the sharing of knowledge that draws librarians to their profession in the first place? It is unfortunate that librarians have to be reminded of what their job is: to help people. If that means to learn something new, explain it in a new way, present it in a different format, preserve it, then that's what you do.

If librarians and libraries don't reinvent themselves, they will fall by the wayside like newspapers. And that would be a huge loss. We need to document ourselves accurately as a culture in some way, however self-serving that may be. We were here!

To the figuratively shy librarian: Undo the stereotypical bun, take off the glasses and step out of the shadows!

Week #5 - Play week - avatar

This week is my online version of spring break. I have created an avatar, an alternate personality, so to speak. Well, she is blonde, like me, but she is thinner - who doesn't want to be thinner? After all the possible choices on yahoo - wardrobe, background, etc., now I have to attempt to upload my girl. Here goes ...

Well, that went pretty well. Yahoo was very self-explanatory and made it easy! It is a challenge being cyber-social, I must admit, in blogging. My avatar is in the top left of the blog.

So I lightly looked at Rollyo and don't think I need more than I have with bloglines and Google reader and local Yahoo news.

Virtual news bombardment doesn't seem like my thing today considering the real-time weather is so nice. I like to web-wander and have the freedom to take a walk without a plan - can we say spontaneity and impulsive? Maybe I will revisit this concept later ... when the sun goes down.

I checked out Library Thing or thang and I can see the ocd need to organize my books. I have done it with my music CDs, VCR tapes and DVDs back in the day and then I moved. And life got in the way of trying to be obsessively organized ... where's a good snow storm when you need to get things done at home, huh?

I can see the benefit of others' opinions. I guess this is a good place for aspiring book critics. It does seem like a great platform for eBay but that would be sacreligious. No no no used bookstore owners. My question is: who has time to catalog their books when all they really want to do is READ?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week #4 - things 8 & 9 - blog, blog, blog ... RSS

This week I am learning about blogs and RSS feeds. There is a bit of info overload. This is what I get for being an all-or-nothing student.

I have visited bloglines and Google reader. There seems to be a lot of toggling back and forth in my blogging education world. Between the 23 Things instructions and the different websites, I am trying to apply my findings to my own blog. I also am constantly registering for another account online.

How many times can I mention blog in one posting?

I am learning that my web life is quite exhausting. The horror ... the horror!

But I digress.

So I clipped a blog article about making the "healthy choice of side" when ordering a "less than desirable" food choice in a restaurant. It reminded me of the old saying - "I'll have a Tab with my chocolate cake." That's when a Tab was a diet soft drink on the menu and not a software menu layout choice.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Catch up and recap - for my own sanity

This is my need to recap my progress:

16 March - 22 March

Week 1: Explore

#1 About this program Assignment
- listened to tutorial

#2 Lifelong learning habits Assignment

a - I have stated my goals, obstacles, toolbox needs, help and path. I have also signed my contract.
b - I reread my habits list and remind myself to PLAY! This will prove to be the hardest for me.

23 March - 29 March

Week 2: Blogging
#3 Set up your own blog and add your first post Assignment
- I did set up my first blog and promptly lost my logins/passwords. I now have a 2nd blog.

#4 Register your blog Assignment
- done and done again

30 March - 5 April

Week 3: Explore Flickr

#5 Explore Flickr Assignment
- Checked out Flickr, set up an acct and remembered I have a snapfish account too.

#6 Flickr fun, mashups, and 3rd party sites Assignment
- made a flickr badge and posted it to my blog

#7 Create a blog post about anything technology-related that interests you this week Assignment
- tech blog post related to my goals

Week #3 - thing 7 - Techies unite!!!

I don't portray myself as a techie but I aspire to as one of my goals.

To become more familiar and better at troubleshooting laptop / wifi network connections, I must practice, practice, practice (or play)!

The 7 1/2 habits will really come in handy for this one, especially if I can get to the point of teaching others.

There seem to be a lot of reasons for why a laptop doesn't connect:

- bad hardware (power cords, bricks, older model laptop, etc.)
- too many wifi slots in use
- competing network connections
- changed passwords

Week #3 things 5 and 6 - Explore Flickr - visions of Zen

This is my Flickr badge, courtesy of the public images out there.

More photos or video tagged with zen on Flickr

Week #2 things 3 and 4 - Blogging - Picture this ...

I will now attempt to post a photo to my blog. One of the many pix I took on my trip thru the Mediterranean - first stop: Rome, Italy. Although I must say most things are better in person. Note to self: remove date stamp from digital camera.

Week #1 things 1 and 2 - Explore - Finding myself on the web...

If you found me at,
I have now moved to

It seems in the days away from this blog, I have already forgotten what I learned. Not a great start but I will soldier on. I now have many logins and passwords out there.

Let's see - The 7 1/2 habits are already coming into play. #2 - Accept responsibility for your own learning - or lack thereof.