Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Week #8 - thing #15 - Online apps/tools

Watched David Allen on YouTube. Gotta love the inspirational speakers. It had a lot of common sense. GTD - or to borrow from Larry the Cable Guy's "Git r done" or Nike's ad "Just do it!" comes down to the thinkers and the doers. David Allen gives hope that we all can be both. It is the ability to balance controlling your stuff and having the perspective to know which stuff to control.

1. collect 2. process 3. organize 4. review
I hope, by writing them down, I will be inspired.

His advice is to work from the top down.Most of us work from the bottom up.
Purpose & principles
areas of focus & responsibility
next actions


I love crossing the items off even more. Not that I ever finish a list but the hope that I can - is always there. Of course, I'm talking pen to paper. Grocery lists, errand lists, xmas lists, thank you note lists, call people back lists, missing books lists,... you get the idea.

That adrenaline rush - that feeling of accomplishment - Yee ha!

Now I can do it electronically - sounds interesting but can it provide that same thrill or will it be a feeling of cyber reminder harassment?

Got milk? I mean Remember the Milk.

See, I'm forgetting already. All this talk about milk is making me lactose intolerant but the website is an interesting tool. Saves on wasted paper and recycling.

Tiny url - I understand the long url thing but I don't know if I would have a need for this too often.

My Stickies will come in handy as I get older and can't remember what I was doing when I was there. Come to think of it, that happens now.

It would have been a useful tool in my last job where I did research for newspaper reporters regarding Census stats, crime stats, etc. Some govt. and legal sites are a bit tedious to maneuver in and I can see this being a great "light bulb" tool.

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